Gardner Lake Newsletter – March 2021
Gardner Lake Association Meeting Agenda- Oct 10th 2020
Semi-Annual Residents Meeting
Virtual meeting utilizing Zoom
October 10th, 2020
Opening – Chuck
Meeting minutes – Melinda- the membership meeting we will have the minutes for the last membership meeting to review (which was last Oct since we did not have the March).
Treasury report: Leslie Hind
- Spillway update – Chuck
- Vegetation growth in Lake – Chuck
- Gun range in someone’s backyard
- Docks
- State tested for Zebra Mussels
Newsletter – Chuck will introduce Amy/Sandy as over the newsletter from Suzie.
Calendar – Sandy
2020 – July 4th Gardner Lake Boat Parade

GLA Residents meeting – CANCELED
We will be canceling\postponing the Gardner Lake Association meeting due to the senior center being closed on the date we had scheduled. We will let everyone know when we get a new date. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.
GLA Residents meeting
Saturday, March 28th at 8:30 am, is the next GLA Residents meeting. Please try to attend. Guest speaker is Michael Kramer with the City of Gardner to give us an update on the spillway project. Vince Wonderlich Kansas Game Warden will also speak about boat safety and State rules.

GLA Board Meeting Minutes – 10/29/19
The meeting was called to order at the home of Amy Haven by Larry Desmarteau. Attendees were:Chuck Lawrence, Blake Larson, Sandy Adams, Amy Haven, and Miranda Burnett. Absent: Leslie Hind and Shawnna Steele.
Larry passed out a draft shell that could be used to petition the State for financial support for dredging, spillway and algae control. He asked board members to draft ideas for the wording and to send those to him. He would like to put together a draft then form a committee to review and edit the petition. Once the committee has a draft petition it would go out for review. Then lake residence would have opportunity to sign. Dredging costs at this time are probably over $1.3M and Gardner would need help with 40% of the cost. The board felt strongly that the state should help with the cost of dredging since residence pay state taxes, buy boat and fishing licenses. The petition is important to get out and get feedback from the state.
A note of concern on the spillway start was the that the KPW did not approve of the spillway plan. Michael Cramer indicated to Larry that the concern was the plan did not address the debris buildup and tree growth in the drainage area past the spillway. The city and public works are having a meeting this week about their concerns. Larry will contact Michael and get back to the board and residents the outcome of this meeting. The board hopes that the spillway repair can still move ahead in spring of 2020.
October Association meeting minutes have been reviewed by the board and put on the Lake website. The September board minutes are also available on line.
Leslie was called into work and could not deliver the treasurer’s report.
Larry passed out a list of out top events and what functions need to be covered for these. He would like us to plan more ahead on who is doing which activities to support the events. Some of the same folks are getting overloaded with back to back events. We need more volunteers and committees to help with events. Miranda suggested using Survey Monkey to find out what events the lake residence would like and who would be willing to volunteer for events. The board approved of using this survey. Miranda will setup the survey and Blake will help get to all the lake residents.
The calendar is on track to get it done and to printer in November (2 weeks). Larry gave out a list of the advertisers noting which ones will not be advertising, which ones have paid and which ones still owe. Two additional advertisers have paid (Jawhawk Foot & Ankle, Cordray Roofing). Sandy will get Blake the JPEG files from the advertisers so he can get these on the website. Larry also passed out a letter to go out with the calendars when lake representatives deliver calendars. He had the board review the wording.
We discussed the years coming events. There will be no Christmas lighting contest for 2019. The 4th of July boat parade for next year needs more contestants. With it being on a Friday Amy thought we would have more entries. We would also like to add a category that encourages folks to just get out and join the parade, not require much effort. Chuck proposed a monetary award for the top boats. The board liked this idea. We will discuss this further at the next board meeting. Ideas for two new events for a Lilly Pad race (Lilly pad race involves putting pads across the lake in a more narrow area and folks race across the top of the pads) and a color race (runners race to stations, get doused with a different color) The color race would be a gravel type run and the route could go from the lake park across the dam and down lake road 1-3 and then loop back to avoid going out on the main road about 2+ miles. If we went around the lake we would need police to close roads. By using only our private lake roads this could be avoided. Miranda would be interested in heading up the organizing of the color run.April 25th, Saturday after Earth day was set for removing any new tree start on dam (weather permitting).
Miranda is taking over responsibility of the t-shirts. Larry will drop off the remaining shirts to her. She has some ideas for long sleeve shirts with Gardner lake written on sleeve, state of Kansas outline and the lake picture.
We reviewed the Gardner paper article about the association meeting. It was a nice article with nothing controversial. The board voted that in the future the paper would not be invited to attend. The board thought the residence should feel free to bring up concerns and grievancesat the meeting.
Meeting was adjourned.
-Submitted by Melinda Broward
Gardner Lake Association – Meeting Minutes – 10/12/19
Steve Shute, Gardner’s mayor visited with our group prior to meeting start. Steve indicated the spillway repair/replacement has been approved by the city and is scheduled to start in spring of 2020. The cost of the spillway repair was now estimated at $766,053 up from the previous estimate of $310,000. The city will take financial responsibility and will need a general obligation bond- RFP to fund the project. DWR has received the spillway plans (confirmed). May 2019 Michael Kramer had submitted spillway plan and costing to Steve and the council for public notice. Olsen Engineering Design Comp. was responsible for the plan design which includes a new spillway with pedestrian/bicycle pathway (no car access since this causes excessive wear on the structure). The plan is to drop the lake level by 1 foot and a coffer dam will be built to temporarily hold the water back until the spillway can be completed. Should not have any effect or change on the flood zone.
Steve Shute, Gardner’s mayor visited with our group prior to meeting start. Steve indicated the spillway repair/replacement has been approved by the city and is scheduled to start in spring of 2020. The cost of the spillway repair was now estimated at $766,053 up from the previous estimate of $310,000. The city will take financial responsibility and will need a general obligation bond- RFP to fund the project. DWR has received the spillway plans (confirmed). May 2019 Michael Cramer had submitted spillway plan and costing to Steve and the council for public notice. Olsen Engineering Design Company was responsible for the plan design which includes a new spillway with pedestrian/bicycle pathway (no car access since this causes excessive wear on the structure). The plan is to drop the lake level by 1 foot and a coffer dam will be built to temporarily hold the water back until the spillway can be completed. Should not have any effect or change on the flood zone.
Dredging the lake was discussed, the cost is estimated over 1.2 million and the city will need to partner with the state and lake residence to find funding. The city could help with 60% of the cost but needs help with the remaining amount. The south end of lake has several homes that are no longer considered waterfront and pontoon boats can ot be docked in these areas. Significant effect on property values. The city is actively looking for funding sources. Our representative Willie Dove is also keeping an eye out for ways to help fund the dredging. The original grant that was submitted to state required that the lake was a public water source. It was denied since it is not a source for drinking water, nor would it being an emergency source work.
There is significant silting coming from several inlets especially the south and east (APAC Quarry, Copper Springs and other sources).
Algae in the lake is still a major concern. Fertilizer run off from yards and other neighborhood areas are a problem. Fish & Wildlife has spot treated with a spray walking around the lake. This has not had any significant effect.
Questions were raised about regular maintenance and long-term plans for a continuous program to reduce silt build up and algae growth.
It was suggested that the Lake association needs to file a formal petition with the City and State to address the silt build up and algae. Willie Dove indicated folks could write to their representative but after so many emails or phone calls these don’t have as much of an impact as a formal signed petition. Larry will work with the board to draft a petition and we may need an action committee. The draft petition would be circulated for comment/editing. Then Lake members would be asked to sign (we have 200-300 folks). This would be sent to the Governor and state representatives. Questions were asked of Willie Dove about any precedence or how best to frame the petition so it would be taken seriously. Buzz words would include any health hazards to or property devaluation etc. There are areas of the lake that get lots of mud runoff during heavy rains, residence could submit these pictures. Residence also have picture of large mounts of algae/plant growth removed from shorelines.
Lake roads were briefly discussed that these are private roads that can’t be blocked. Annexing by the city of Gardner is not being considered due to the high cost of bringing the roads up to codes/paving.
A boat wrap business from El Dorado, Mo talked briefly if anyone was interested in shrink wrapping their boats, RV’s etc. The cost is $10/ foot or approximately $200 for a 20 ft boat and takes 1 to 1 ½ hrs to complete. They would like to do several at a time to save on travel expenses.
Meeting was brought to order by Larry Desmarteau (President).
Melinda Broward, secretary read previous meeting minutes. The minutes will be added to the new association website.
Leslie Hind gave the treasurer’s report. Our account balance is $16,025.22 and collected $600. We have 24 new members. T-shirts profit $650.57, advertising $1,214, raffle for Kaye race took in $395 (0with $352 in expenses for net profit of $42).
Larry asked the residence to take a few moments of silence and remembrance while Susie Townley read off our Lake Residence who have passed away over the last year. Lake road representatives and residence were encouraged to let Susie or Larry know if they missed anyone.
Amy Heaven updated us on upcoming events. Tonight’s Chili Cookoff/bonfire tickets are on sale for $3/person or $10/family. So far we have 14 contestants. Tokens and wrist bands will be given out when paid. Tokens can then be used to vote for contestants. Three winners will be announced once the counting has been completed. Contestants can setup starting from 5-6. Sampling starts at 6. An off-duty police officer will be present.
Susie and Larry are checking information for the directory (send any changes to emails or phone numbers).
Blake went over changes on the Association website. Meeting minutes and upcoming events /meetings are being added. There is a form if folks which to have the board address an issue or want to speak to the board. Sponsors encouraged to check their information on website and let him know of any corrections. The site will randomly show 5 sponsors. Website is
Lake road 1 needs a representative.
Lake road 5 where there has been standing water and ice build-up on road for a couple of years has been repaired. A drainage trench was installed.
Meeting was adjourned.
Larry has visited with Michael Cramer with Gardner. The city has indicated no new second tier docks will be allowed and the topic can be brought up at the next city council meeting. They are also thinking of increasing dock fees to $100/dock. This may be a hardship for fixed income retires. Questions were brought up about any added value to lake residence justifying the proposed increase. Susie noted that Lake Lotawana residence pay ~$300 per year and those funds help go toward their lake getting dredged yearly. The have their own dredger. The current year dock fees have not gone out from the city the administrator has been out on sick leave. The fees for these year are the same $25.
Spill way was approved to be fixed starting this fall and bids are being taken. The costs are more extensive from the contractors and engineers and surveyors than anticipated. Larry indicated to them that a walkway was not needed at this time and the focus should be getting the spill way repaired. Gardner city council meeting is April 1st at 7:00 PM, these topics may be covered.
Mr. Cramer has indicated the city will treat the lake two times this year and they will use Larry as a driver on his boat to get them around to treat the lake. Reminder to not treat the areas around you docks. Reduce or eliminate fertilizer and herbicide usage in areas close to lake. Rain runoff puts those chemicals right into the lake.
Gardner does not have funds to clear/cut down the trees on the dam this year but have given the go ahead to the association to have volunteers to do this. The roots need to stay intact. Larry indicated the county will provide the stump treatment for us to use that is safe for the lake. He needs to go pick the chemical up. Members pointed out that it was horrible that the City shied away from their duty to cut down the trees. Moving forward Todd and Larry are organizing for the next Saturday if not raining or the next if we have a rainout. Todd will bring his tractor to pile up bush. The City will take care of the piles. Suggest 7-8 AM start times.
Harold commented that the Johnson County surveys are coming out and it would be an opportunity to get comments out to them about dredging, etc. Folks could write and email Steve Shute and Willie Dove and our other representatives about their concerns.
Discussed the Lake Garage sale. Gardner City wide is in May and it would be good to have it before. Folks were encouraged to come even if you only have a few items to sale, it’s also a social event. It was voted and passed to have the garage sale 4/27/19. The group will ask the city to cut the grass prior to the event. Location is just off Gardner road down by the dam.
Jan indicated that Dupont is reducing the use of anhydrous ammonia by 90% at the facility in New Century.
Blake discussed the new website and the host will be Go Daddy. Most of the information from the old website has been captured and updated on Blake’s domain site. Blake is temporarily hosting the site and will be getting the permanent site setup shortly. Larry was able to finally get into Rick’s old site (last year of subscription) and Blake pull off the important information for the new site. Susie’s monthly updates will be on site, lake rules and regulations, speed limits, the Lake Facebook connection, meeting minutes, photos. Lake news will be added chronologically
Meeting adjourned.
Dredging the lake was discussed, the cost is estimated over 1.2 million and the city will need to partner with the state and lake residence to find funding. The city could help with 60% of the cost but need help with the remaining amount. The south end of lake has several homes that are no longer considered waterfront and pontoon boats cannot be docked in these areas. Significant effect on property values. The city is actively looking for funding sources. Our representative Willie Dove is also keeping an eye out for ways to help fund the dredging. The original grant that was submitted to state required that the lake was a public water source. It was denied since it is not a source for drinking water, nor would it being an emergency source work.
There is significant silting coming from several inlets especially the south and east (APAC Quarry, Copper Springs and other sources).
Algae in the lake is still a major concern. Fertilizer run off from yards and other neighborhoods area problem. Fish & Wildlife has spot treated with a spray walking around the lake. This has not had any significant effect.
Questions were raised about regular maintenance and long term plan for continuous program to reduce silt build up and algae growth.
It was suggested that the Lake association needs to file a formal petition with the City and State to address the silt build up and algae. Willie Dove indicated folks could write to their representative but after so many emails or phone calls these don’t have a much of an impact as a formal signed petition. Larry will work with the board to draft a petition and we may need an action committee. The draft petition would be circulated for comment/editing. Then Lake members would be asked to sign (we have 200-300 folks). This would be sent to the Governor and state representative. Questions were asked of Willie Dove about any precedence or how best to frame the petition so it would be taken seriously. Buzz words would include any health hazards to or property devaluation etc. There are areas of the lake that get lots of mud runoff during heavy rains, residence could submit these pictures. Residence also have picture of large mounts of algae/plant growth removed from shorelines.
Lake roads were briefly discussed that these are private roads that can’t be blocked. Annexing by the city of Gardner is not being considered due to the high cost of bringing the roads up to codes/paving.
Boat wrap business from El Dorado, Mo talked briefly if anyone was interested in shrink wrapping their boats, RV’s etc. The cost is $10/ foot or approximately $200 for a 20 ft boat and takes 1 to 1 1/hrs to complete. They would like to do several at a time to save on travel expenses.
Meeting was brought to order for Larry.
Melinda Broward read previous meeting minutes. The minutes will be added to the new association website.
Leslie gave the treasurer’s report. Our account balance is $16,025.22. We have 24 new members. T-shirts profit $650.57 and advertising $2000.92 Raffle for Kayak race took in $395 with $352 in expenses for net profit of $42.
Larry asked the residents to take a few moments of silence and remembrance while Susie Townley read off our Lake Residence who have passed away over the last year. Lake road representatives and residence were encouraged to let Susie or Larry know if they missed anyone.
Amy updated us on upcoming events. Tonight’s Chili Cookoff/bonfire tickets are on sale for $3/person or $10/family. So far we have 14 contestants. Tokens and wrist bands will be given out when paid. Tokens can then be used to vote for contestants. Three winners will be announced once the counting has been completed. Contestants can setup starting from 5-6. Sampling starts at 6. An off duty police officer will be present.
Susie and Larry are checking information for directory (send any changes to emails or phone numbers).
Blake went over changes on the Association website. Meeting minutes and upcoming events /meetings are being added. There is a form if folks which to have the board address an issue or want to speak to the board. Sponsors encouraged to check their information on website and let him know of any corrections. The site will randomly show 5 sponsors. Website is
Lake road 1 needs a representative.
Lake road 5 where there has been standing water and ice build-up on road for a couple of years has been repaired. A drainage trench was installed.
Meeting was adjourned.
Chili Cook-Off 2019