Gardner Lake Association
Minutes to Monthly Board Meeting
Meeting Called to Order by Amy Heaven at 4:04 PM on Zoom
Present: Ryan Mueller, Amy Heaven, Greta Jahraus, Melinda Broward, Leslie Hind
Absent: Clifton Bencke, Blake Larson, Mike Rankin
Agenda: Added a discussion of a permanent bathroom at dam to new business. Agenda was then approved.
Secretary: Approved as submitted.
Treasury: We have 5 members added for the new year. Incoming credits were towel sales of $346, ladder raffle of $389, advertisers for calendar/website $798. Outgoing payments were $930 for calendar, $498 for directory, and $142 costs for holiday light contest. Current assets total $23,976. Zoom membership renewal will be paid soon.
Old Business:
-Membership update: We forgot to put dues envelopes with the calendars, please send $25 member dues to Leslie Hind.
-Taskforce update: The task force continues on a fact finding mission to determine the condition of the lake and its structures.
New Business:
-Zebra mussels: Leslie has shared the info from the KDWP. Gardner Lake has been found to have zebra mussels. Signs are being added to lake entrances. There are no easy solutions to this new issue.
-Special Events:
-Light Up the Lake contest: This was a great success, we had 10+ contestants and lots of voting on Facebook. Greta and Ryan presented gift baskets to our winners. Larry Keegan was our 1st place winner!
-We are looking for new events and new volunteers for 2024! Contact Melinda or Greta if you are interested or have ideas! Some early ideas the group is exploring are a poker run, a casual kayak day, a food drive, and home tours.
-Calendars and directories were delivered to the community! We have identified a few areas we missed and will get them covered ASAP, please let us know if you haven’t received a calendar and directory!
-We are planning to have our Spring Members Meeting March 16th. We have received good feedback on the new location (JoCo Olathe Health Education Center) and will continue to have meetings there.
-Clint Anderson requested a discussion of a permanent bathroom solution by the marina and boat ramp. The GLA board discussed some points and look forward to discussing more with Clint at the next GLA meeting where he will be invited to present his thoughts.