Meeting Called to Order by Mike Rankin at 4:07 PM on Zoom
Present: Ryan Mueller, Mike Rankin, Melinda Broward, Leslie Hind, Clifton Bencke, Sandy Adams
Absent: Amy Heaven, Blake Larson, Greta Jahraus
Agenda: Presented by Mike, approved as submitted.
Secretary: Presented by Ryan, approved as submitted
Treasury: Presented by Leslie Hind. The kayak race brought in $588 including the raffle and donations. Towel sales have brought in a profit of over $500. Chili cookoff/ soup challenge costs adding up to $78 so far. Assets for the GLA currently total $25,196.
Old Business:
-Taskforce Update: The taskforce reviewed the survey results and feel they indicate a continuation of research on the projects. Accordingly, research into dredging and the dam infrastructure continues. The team checked to make sure the city is still open to negotiating major projects and potential change of ownership and they are. The taskforce is looking forward to presenting next considerations to residents at the fall meeting.
-Terms for officers: The board discussed implementing terms for board members into the by-laws and plan to work on something to present to residents.
-Lake update: Presented by Leslie. The city has added some signage to indicate public water access. In addition, they have put in some fish habitats. There were concerns about catching anchors and fishing lures on these, the city has said we should not have issues – they said they will do much better than Christmas trees.
-Special Events: Presented by Melinda. We debriefed on the successful kayak race and discussed improvements for next year.
New Business:
-Soup Challenge (Chili cookoff): coming on October 21st, arrive hungry and please bring your best soups. We will have great raffle prizes!
-At the Fall Resident’s meeting, we will begin selling $10 raffle tickets and in the Spring we will raffle a top-notch dock ladder donated by Mac’s Docks to a lucky resident!
-The board planned for the upcoming Fall Resident’s meeting on October 21st
-Mike moved to adjourn the meeting, this was seconded by Leslie.