By-Laws (ratified 2000)
All meetings of the GLA are to be for members in good standing.
Special Meetings: Special meetings of the membership may be called by the President, by the Board or upon petition of all active Officers.
The Board of Officers shall meet twice each year. Special meetings of the Board shall be called as often as deemed necessary by the Board of Officers or the presiding officer, or nine members of the Association by written request to the Board that states the purpose. The Board of Officers shall make the decision on the request for a special meeting. –
All business presented to the Board for consideration by others than the Board Officers shall be presented in writing and acted upon by a majority in session. Any person desiring a hearing by the Board may make such a request in writing and the Board shall decide by a majority vote whether such request shall be granted.
Section 1.- The Board of Officers
The Board of Officers is hereby vested with the power to collect and disburse money and to have general supervision of current
business and financial interests of the GLA.
Section 2. -President.
The President shall be the presiding officer at all meetings and will be governed by the directorate of the Board of Officers. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall cast a deciding vote at any meeting in case of a tie.
The President shall seek nominations from the Board of Officers prior to any October meeting to determine candidates to fill the vacancies of the retiring Directors. Retiring Officers may nominate themselves for additional terms.
All members of the Board of Officers shall be considered to be Vice Presidents of the GLA and as such it shall be their duty to assist one another in performing all duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President, or as agreed upon by the majority of the Board. Additionally, individual Vice Presidents shall be appointed by the. President to perform in certain functions i.e. as Social Activities Chairperson (5), Semi-Annual Trash Pick-up Chairperson(s), Newsletter Chairperson, Internet Site Webmaster, Membership Roster Maintenance, Meeting Planning, Conservation Chairperson, etc.
The President and Vice Presidents shall maintain comprehensive written records regarding their committees or other activities including procedures, formats, contacts, telephone numbers, etc. so that a successor may easily recreate the committee or activity. All applicable computer files shall be properly maintained by the responsible officer and also stored on computer disk to be delivered to the Secretary for storage along with any required passwords, usage information, etc.
Additional Chairpersons:
Individual members in good standing of the GLA may volunteer to assist with standing and/or ad hoc committees or activities of the GLA and must be approved by two Officers, one of whom must be the acting chair of the committee.
The Secretary shall keep a permanent and accurate record of all the proceedings of each meeting of the Board of Officers and the GLA which shall be approved and signed by the presiding officers and secretary. The secretary shall keep a complete index of members of the Association, and notify the Board of Officers of any regular or special meetings as directed by the Board of Officers and/or President.
The Secretary shall issue a payment for all obligations of the Association and present it to the Board of Directors for approval to be approved by the President and paid by the Treasurer upon presenting. The Association shall be responsible only for the obligations authorized by its Board of Directors in writing and approved by its President and Secretary. The Secretary shall turn over to his/her successor in office all papers, money records files, membership list and any other property. then on hand belonging to the GLA, and to do and perform all other duties that usually and properly pertain to the office of secretary.
The duties of the Treasurer shall to be receive and deposit in such bank or banks as the Board of Officers may from time to time direct, all monies pertaining to the GLA. The Treasurer shall refrain from any comingling of funds between GLA accounts and personal accounts. He/She shall keep a true and accurate account of all monies received and paid out; to make a financial report in writing at each membership meeting , and at any special meeting of the GLA and/or Board of Officers whenever requested to do so, and to turn over to his/her successor in office all monies, records, papers and other property then on hand belonging to the GLA, and to do and perform all other duties that usually and properly pertain to the office of Treasurer and cooperate with the Secretary in duties necessary for financial harmony. The Treasurer shall contact any members who are delinquent in dues payment and shall do so between October and March of each year.
The Board of Officers shall establish and maintain friendly and cooperative relationships with the applicable offices, officers, departments or entities of the township, city, county and state.
The President shall appoint an auditing committee to audit the books of the Secretary and Treasurer annually preceding the election of officers. This By-Laws will govern until such time as the Association deems it necessary to engage a certified public accountant.
A member or members, who shall perform acts or deeds that are detrimental to the GLA or its members, may be expelled from the Association upon recommendation of the Board of Officers.
An amendment to the by-laws requires previous notice and a majority of those members present at the meeting. The action must be taken at a regular or special meeting or at an adjourned meeting thereof.
The rules of parliamentary procedure contained in Roberts Rules of Order, Revised shall govern the proceedings of the GLA, subject to its Constitution and By-Laws. The President shall appoint a Parliamentarian for each meeting.
The following order of business shall be adopted at all regular or called meetings:
Call to order; “This is a meeting of the members of the Gardner Lake Association. Only members and invited guests are privileged to be present.”
Assignment of Meeting Parliamentarian
Approval of the minutes of preceding meetings.
Report of the Treasurer
Bills and Communications
Report of the Secretary
Election of New members (Introduce and present new members)
Report of other Officers: Standing and Ad Hoc Committees
Unfinished Business
New Business
By-Laws (Proposed for 2024)
BY-LAWS (Proposed, 2023)
All meetings of the GLA are to be for members in good standing. Members in good standing are defined as an individual or family, residing or owning property at Gardner Lake, who pay annual dues and are current on annual dues. Dues are set by a majority vote of the membership of the GLA at a general membership meeting.
The GLA Board shall meet a minimum of eight times per year. Special meetings of the Board shall be called as often as deemed necessary by the Board of Officers or the presiding officer, or nine members in good standing by written request to the Board that states the purpose. The Board of Officers will hold a meeting of the general membership of the association twice a year. Special meetings of the membership may be called by the President, by the Board or upon petition of all active Officers.
The Board of Officers shall be comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. In addition, the membership of the Board may comprise as many At Large Officers as deemed necessary by the governing body of the Board. Officers serve for a period of 3 years from the next general membership meeting that occurs after their start. From time to time, vacancies may be temporarily filled by a simple majority vote of the Board of Officers. However, those temporary officers will be ratified by a vote during the next general membership meeting. Officers are expected to attend meetings regularly and those missing a majority of Board meetings can be subject to removal from the Board.
All business presented to the Board for consideration by others than the Board Officers shall be presented in writing and acted upon at the discretion of the Board of Officers. Any person desiring a hearing by the Board of Officers may make such a request in writing and the Board shall decide by a majority vote whether such request shall be granted.
Officers shall maintain comprehensive written records regarding their committees or other activities including procedures, formats, contacts, telephone numbers, passwords etc. so that a successor may easily recreate the committee or activity. All applicable computer files shall be properly maintained by the responsible officer and shared with the Secretary and President for redundancy.
The Board of Officers is hereby vested with the power to collect and disburse money and to have general supervision of current business and financial interests of the GLA.
The President will be responsible for presiding over monthly and twice-annual membership meeting, appointing, coordinating, and monitoring the progress of subcommittees and spearheading new projects. The President shall be the presiding officer at all meetings and will be governed by the directorate of the Board of Officers. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall cast a deciding vote at any meeting in case of a tie.
The President shall seek nominations from the Board of Officers prior to any Spring meeting to determine candidates to fill the vacancies of the retiring Officers. Retiring Officers may nominate themselves for additional terms.
Vice President:
The Vice President will assist and support the President when appropriate and be available to fill the position in the event that the President is disabled or unavailable.
The Secretary shall keep a permanent and accurate record of all the proceedings of each meeting of the Board of Officers and the GLA, including attendance, topics of discussion, and major decisions. This shall be approved by the presiding Officers of the Board. The secretary shall keep a complete index of members of the Association., and notify the Board of Officers of any regular or special meetings as directed by the Board of Officers and/or President, and perform all other duties that usually and properly pertain to the office of secretary.
An outgoing Secretary shall turn over to his/her successor in office all papers, money records files, membership list and any other property then on hand belonging to the GLA.
The duties of the Treasurer shall to be receive and deposit in such bank or banks as the Board of Officers may from time to time direct, all monies pertaining to the GLA. The Treasurer shall refrain from any comingling of funds between GLA accounts and personal accounts. They shall keep a true and accurate account of all monies received and paid out. The treasurer shall report the financial status of the GLA at each membership meeting, and at any special meeting of the GLA and/or Board of Officers whenever requested to do so, and to turn over to their successor in office all monies, records, papers and other property then on hand belonging to the GLA, and to do and perform all other duties that usually and properly pertain to the office of Treasurer. On an annual basis, the treasurer’s books shall be reviewed by a financial professional for accuracy and compliance.
At the request of a majority of attendants at a membership meeting, membership can convene an auditing committee to audit the books of the Secretary and Treasurer. This By-Laws will govern until such time as the Association deems it necessary to engage a certified public accountant.
A member or members, who shall perform acts or deeds that are detrimental to the GLA or its members, may be expelled from the Association upon recommendation of the Board of Officers.
Members and Officers of the Board can be impeached through a majority vote at a general membership meeting.
A member of the Board can be removed by a majority vote by the Board after absence from a more than 75% of meetings in a year.
An amendment or change to the by-laws requires previous notice to membership and approval by a majority of those members present at a general membership meeting.
The rules of parliamentary procedure contained in Roberts Rules of Order, Revised shall govern the proceedings of the GLA, subject to its Constitution and By-Laws. The President shall appoint a Parliamentarian for each meeting.
These by-laws are being submitted for GLA member review on 7/9/2024. Please email [email protected] with any comments or questions. If these are deemed acceptable, voting to ratify these by-laws would take place at the Fall 2024 GLA Resident’s meeting.