GLA Board Meeting Minutes – 9/23/24

Meeting Called to Order by Amy Heaven at 4:00 PM on Zoom

Present:           Ryan Mueller, Amy Heaven, Greta Jahraus, Leslie Hind, Melinda Broward, Mike Rankin, Sandy Adams, Clifton Bencke

Absent:            Blake Larson

Agenda: Approved as submitted.

Secretary: Minutes approved as submitted.

Treasury: Leslie presented the finances. The kayak race brought $380 in raffles, $70 in donations, and $669 in merchandise. We spent $257 on the race, to give a profit of $862 for the GLA. Thank you, neighbors! A very successful event! $23,163 currently in assets.

Old Business:

    -Taskforce update: The group wants to discuss dredging test results at the fall meeting. Based on the results, the group is considering making a specialized taskforce to tackle just dredging projects at the lake. This taskforce is urging the city to take action on the spillway and dam repairs. The group is emphasizing to the city that we want to be informed of any large projects that are planned at the lake.

    -Zebra Mussel update: Leslie met with KDWP recently and discussed the invasive species. They explained that we are in the ‘boom and bloom’ stage where we will see the most infestation. In addition, in the fall and spring the mussels lay their eggs so now is when engine and water hose inlets will be at extra risk. They’re ‘invasion’ of a lake has a cycle where the population peaks about now, hopefully decreases over the next few years then hits a resting period.

    -By-laws update: There is a summary of the changes posted on Facebook for residents to quickly see the changes that are proposed. Please review and send any questions/comments to [email protected].

    -Lake Road Reps: Greta is dispersing Resident packets to Lake Road Reps. These include a magnet with a place for your Lake Road Rep’s info if you need to contact them. Greta is next going to tackle welcome baskets for new lake residents. After some discussion, the decision was made that Reps should both be residents of Gardner Lake and up-to-date on their dues. We are always looking for more volunteers, please let someone know if you are interested in helping.

    -Special Events:

-The Fall Cookoff will be meatball themed this year! You can help decide who has the best balls at Gardner Lake. We will have fun, music and great food. To join in the fun, tickets are $10 per adult (5 vote tokens) and $5 for kids (2 vote tokens), extra vote tokens will be$2. There will be prizes for winners and a $5 raffle for everyone to participate in. If you would like to help with the event or participate in the competition, let Melinda know! The group approved $150 for a portable restroom for this event.

-Light Up the Lake Contest will be happening again this December! Get your best Christmas light decorations ready. Plan to submit your photos. We will have a vote through Facebook with winners receiving gift baskets!

-Fall Resident’s Meeting is going to be on October 19th this year. Topics will be forthcoming. We will announce winners of the raffles for the inflatable kayak and inflatable stand-up-paddleboard at this meeting.

New Business:

-Clifton raised a concern with dogs being overly aggressive to pedestrians. This led to multiple anecdotes of people having issues with dogs charging them while they are walking at several areas at the lake. The board discussed what potential options are available for to address the issue. The GLA board respects the JoCo rural area we have, but strongly emphasizes the need for a safe and friendly neighborhood, where neighbors can safely enjoy walks along our beautiful lake.

The meeting was moved to adjourn by Mike and seconded by Ryan