GLA Spring Resident’s Meeting Minutes

Gardner Lake Association

Minutes to Monthly Board Meeting


Meeting Called to order by Amy Heaven at 9:00 AM at the JCCC Olathe Education Center

Present:           Ryan Mueller, Mike Rankin, Blake Larson, Amy Heaven, Greta Jahraus, Leslie Hind

Absent:            Blake Larson, Sandy Adams, Melinda Broward

Amy Heaven opened up the meeting with some historical meeting minutes from the past. Some new residents introduced themselves. Amy then introduced members of the GLA board.

Agenda: Presented by Amy. Updates were: Mike would present for Sandy Adams and Ryan’s role was corrected to Secretary. Agenda was approved.

Secretary: Minutes presented by Ryan, approved as submitted.

Treasury: Leslie discussed the treasurer’s report. Leslie had the GLA finances and records reviewed by a CPA, and no issues were found. The GLA is still building membership for the year, we currently have 14 members who have paid dues. Towels have profited $646 in total for the GLA. Calendars cost $930, Directories cost $498, $1,394 collected from directory advertisers. Chili feed profited $446. $142 in costs for Light Up the Lake contest. $486 has been collected through the ladder raffle. New jackets were a cost $1,954 and we have recouped almost all of that in sales. Report was approved as submitted.

Task Force: The group continues due diligence to investigate the dam, spillway, and dredging. A benefactor has financed an engineering firm to research these topics and build a report. This investigating has been taking place over the last few months and is wrapping up soon. The Taskforce will plan to share the report with residents this summer.

Old Business:

  -By-laws update: Ryan gave a quick update. He told residents that he will be resharing the current draft of the by-laws + the few edits discussed in the Spring 2023 meeting soon. After resident review and comments, if no major concerns are found, the by-laws would be voted on in the Fall 2024 GLA Resident’s meeting.

New Business:

  -Lake Road Reps: Greta presented a new idea to help coordinating with Lake Road Reps. She plans to increase communication with Reps and therefore communication with Residents. We are always looking for more involvement, let the GLA know if you would like to be a Lake Road Rep! There will be a Lake Road Rep meeting soon to check-in with the group.

  -Special Events: Dumpster weekend will be 6/8, see flyer for appropriate items. Spring weed whacking event 6/29 before July 4th. Boat parade – July 4th, Rock the Docks – 9/1, Kayak Race – 9/2 , Fall weed whacking event 9/28, Fall Chili Cookoff – 10/5, Light Up the Lake contest December.

  -Merchandise: Greta and Shawnna presented many items from the inventory that Sandy has built. Items include bucket hats, coozies, stickers, tank tops, jackets, and towels. Talk to Sandy or come to a GLA event to see what is in stock!

  -Zebra Mussels: Leslie presented about the invasive critters. Gardner Lake has been identified as infested with Zebra Mussels. We were one of the last lakes in the state of Kansas to be infested. At this point, some adults have been found, indicating that they have been present for at least 3 years. There are many implications because of this finding. Please see refer to Kansas regulations for specific guidance but among some changes are any watercraft need special treatment after being in the lake and fish can not be transferred to other lakes. 

  -Fish Habitats: Leslie discussed the new fish habitats that were installed at the lake. There were 6 in total placed around the lake. They should not snag fishing lures and should promote fish numbers.

  -Bradford Pears: Leslie discussed the troublesome tree. It has been established as an environmental nuisance that is a net negative for communities. The state is giving away free trees to replace removed Bradford Pears.

  -Board Elections: Amy presented on some guidelines for Board Elections. She wants to get back to a consistent process for ensuring that members of the Board are chosen by the electorate. We will begin 3-year terms, with 3 of us expiring each year. Amy chose the first 3 people that will expire this year and they are: Amy Heaven, Ryan Mueller, and Clifton Bencke (post-meeting Ryan Mueller and Sandy Adams switched. We will have an election at the Fall Resident’s meeting to vote for these positions. These board members have the option to run for re-election if they so wish.

  -Facebook Page: Mike Rankin presented some thoughts on the Resident Facebook page the Board unofficially helps administrate. He clarified that the group is for residents of the lake primarily and only in special circumstances will others be allowed into the group (child caretakers, etc.).

  -Butterfly Milkweed: Jan had prepared some packages of butterfly milkweed seeds to share with residents at the meeting. Monarch butterflies specifically like these and will benefit.

  -Ladder Raffle: Darlene Brown was the lucky winner of the Mac’s Docks Ladder! Congratulations Darlene and thanks again to Mac’s Docks for the generous donation!

-Paddle Board Raffle: Amy presented the new raffle for 2024! It is a Hyperlite Elevation 2.0 generously donated by the Ladies of the Lake (thank you!). It is valued at over $400 and can hold more than one person. Perfect for Gardner Lake! Raffle tickets are $10 each and will be sold at events across the summer, and you can Venmo the GLA to enter (put “paddle board raffle” in the comments!). The winner will be announced at the Kayak Race 9/2 this Fall. May the best paddler win!


  -Amy asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting and this was seconded.