GLA Board Meeting Minutes – 7/19/23

Meeting Called to Order by Amy Heaven at 4:09 PM on Zoom

Present:           Amy Heaven, Ryan Mueller, Mike Rankin, Melinda Broward, Sandy Adams, Blake Larson, Leslie Hind, Clifton Bencke

Absent:            None

Agenda: Presented by Mike, approved as submitted.

Secretary: Ryan did not have June minutes completed yet.

Treasury: Presented by Leslie Hind. Dumpster cost was $1,152 leaving total in assets of $24,071.

Old Business:

-Task force update by Leslie Hind: We are fielding questions from residents after sending out the FAQ and a survey. We are also working on a paper version of the FAQ and survey for people who do not use email.

-City removed the broken fish feeder and they are going to work with KDWP to add fish habitats.

-Special Events by Melinda Broward:

  -Annual Kayak Race is coming on 9/4! Planning taking place for that

-Planning for the Chili/Soup cookoff is starting!

-There will be a brush cleanup at the dam the weekend before Labor Day (8/26 or 8/27).

-Several homes will have bands playing for Rock the Docks, GLA to share schedule

-Merchandise by Sandy Adams: 18 of the new Gardner Lake towels have been sold and $70 in other apparel. See Sandy for a towel!

New Business:

-None at this time


-Greta moved to adjourn the meeting, this was seconded by Leslie.