Meeting Called to Order by Ryan Mueller 4:00 PM on Zoom
Present: Ryan Mueller, Leslie Hind, Melinda Broward, Sandy Adams, Clifton Bencke, Greta Jahraus
Absent: Amy Heaven, Mike Rankin, Blake Larson
Agenda: Presented by Ryan, approved as submitted.
Secretary: April minutes presented by Ryan, approved as submitted.
Treasury: Presented by Leslie Hind. Total assets are $24,763.64. Memberships are continuing to come in at a good pace.
Old Business:
-Lake Update: June 10 preparations are under way. Still finding a location, most places cost $1000+ or are booked. Team will work on a zoom broadcast/recording for the June 10 meeting. Leslie has been researching dredging and associated costs. Our most recent sedimentation rate study was done in 2004 and would need repeated.
-Dumpster Weekend: Also on June 10, we have determined where the dumpsters will be located. The team is making sure that proper labeling and instructions are posted for do/do not. Leslie will let the metal recycling guy know about the event.
-July 4th Event: Preparations are under way including choosing a parade Grand Marshall, designing a banner to celebrate the 20th annual parade, finding trophies for parade winners, and setting up the Facebook voting. Some residents have expressed concern at the amount of unruly behavior around the dam on the 4th of July evening. Many on the board share these concerns, but the GLA does not have authority to patrol, shutdown, or otherwise control the dam visitors.
-Signage/Buoys: Many of the “no wake” buoys have gone loose around the lake. Ryan and Clifton will work to find and reset these in the lake. Leslie mentioned that we need to add a sign for not removing carp at the South end of the lake, Sandy going to work on moving an extra sign.
-Directory: Lake Road Reps have been hard at work confirming and adding resident’s contact information.
-Spillway work: City planning to clear spillway to 151st street.
New Business:
-Fishing Report: Leslie spoke to the Kansas Wildlife and Parks after they performed a fish survey. They noted a decrease in the number and weight of bass but were not concerned with the amount of change at this time. This year they put 900 lbs. of bass in the lake and they are planning to add the same amount in the fall. Leslie asked if they noted any concerns with lake weeds. They were not concerned with the curly-leaf pondweed that has been identified here at Gardner Lake and mentioned it could help give the undersized bass more coverage. They did not think any spraying was needed for the lake at the time they assessed. The GLA is not 100% satisfied with the caretaking of the fish population and is keeping a close eye on whether to raise concerns with the KDWP.
-Clifton Bencke’s Sailing program: Clifton is discussing specifics with the city. The vessels needed for this project could not be privately owned, they would need to be donated. These would also need a storage location at Gardner Lake. Clifton is looking for assistance from residents on this project.
-Fish Feeder: Needs to be marked with reflective tape. Ryan will look into doing this.
-Leslie moved to adjourn the meeting, this was seconded by Melinda.