GLA Board Meeting Minutes – 4/19/23

Meeting Called to Order by Amy Heaven 4:00 PM on Zoom

Present:           Amy Heaven, Ryan Mueller, Leslie Hind, Melinda Broward, Sandy Adams, Blake Larson

Absent:            Clifton Bencke, Mike Rankin, Greta Jahraus

Secretary: Presented by Ryan. Approved as submitted.

Treasury: Presented by Leslie Hind. The GLA brought in $2,661, from 86 dues this year. Board members voted to approve spending for a lake road rep meeting for up to $200 for food and supplies. Leslie is working with a resident on performing an annual review of the GLA finances.

Old Business:

  -Lake Update: Presented by Leslie Hind. The taskforce is meeting and corresponding frequently. They are researching dredging and spillway repair options for presentation on June 10th. Preparations are also being made for that meeting. The taskforce is communicating with the city of Gardner, trying to learn more about the history of the lake’s infrastructure so that residents have the most accurate information to make decisions from.

-ByLaws: Presented by Ryan Mueller. He discussed the suggestions that came up during the Resident’s meeting. The group decided the proposed by-laws update will be tabled for now so that the Board can focus on Lake infrastructure projects.

-Lake Resident Directory: Still building a complete directory. Reps are meeting with GLA soon to get organized and get on the same page for efforts this summer.

-Social Events: The Board agreed to allot $600 for the 4th of July parade and $500 for each other major social event through the year.

New Business:

-Newsletter: in progress and coming out soon!


-Ryan moved to adjourn the meeting, this was seconded by Leslie.